Spotting Your New Hair Growth
After 90 days or so using NewHairFormula, most people will lower their DHT level enough to trigger their first wave of new hair regrowth. However, spotting your first new hair regrowth in its early stages can be difficult as it takes 4 to 6 months before you can easily notice your thicker hair in the mirror. But we have some tips and tricks to help you spot your new hair regrowth early on (after 60 to 90 days).
Stop Looking In The Wrong Places
One mistake clients often make is to go looking for new regrowth in the areas with the most hair loss. But the areas that have the worst hair loss are the usually the last places to fill in. You will likely see the most early hair regrowth in the thicker areas of your scalp and so it is important to observe these areas closely to spot hair regrowth early on.
Getting Started
Tools required will be a mirror and even better if you have a magnified shaving mirror. Since you cannot see the crown of your head up close, even in the mirror, we will focus on spotting new hair growth along your hairline as well as the frontal area of your scalp. However, these methods will work on any part of your head if you have an assistant with a good macro camera!
Both methods involve pulling your longer hair back, which will cause your short new growth hairs to pop-up, usually sticking straight out at first. We will start with the front hairline and comb your hair straight back and then hold it with your hand. This will cause the short new growth hairs to be visibly sticking out as they will no longer be buried in the thicker, longer, mature hair.
Here is a picture to demonstrate what you might see in a magnified mirror when you pull your hair back:
As you can see here, this client’s new hair growth sticks straight out when the longer hair is pulled back tightly against his scalp.
This works even better with longer hair as you can see from this female client’s photo below.
The next method we present will be useful to spot new growth on top of your head. Part your hair straight through the area where your hair is thinning and comb each side of the part down flat. Now use both hands to pull the longer hair down even flatter and look closely in the mirror. You should notice lots of small new baby hairs popping up everywhere. This is how new hair regrowth begins!
You can see a thick tuft of new hair growth right along this client’s parted hair when he presses the longer hair tightly against his scalp. Of course, his new hair growth is actually covering his entire scalp! But, because his new growth is so short, it is only easily visible along the part at this stage. As the months progress, the client will begin to notice his hair looks considerably thicker when observed in the mirror or even by family and friends from across the room!
So now you have learned some easy ways to visually spot your new hair growth early-on (and hopefully you will send us some pics as well)!
Kind regards,
The NewHairFormula Team