A little bit goes a long way!
NewHairFormula is designed to be applied in small 1 ml doses every other day. It is extremely potent and also contains a powerful penetration enhancer. Each application of NewHairFormula penetrates your scalp deeply, in a way similar to dermarolling. So, we do not recommend combining it with dermarolling as it would be too harsh on your scalp.
Due to the potency and dosage of NewHairFormula, it is important that you learn to spread each 1 ml dose over the entire area you need to cover, which for most of us is the whole scalp where we want to prevent hair loss. Sometimes it seems like 1 ml is just not very much, but this is not just minoxidil and it doesn’t need to be poured on thick. In fact, using much more than 1 ml (on a regular basis) can actually cause skin irritation due to the strength and potency of our formula.
For optimal results, we recommend dividing your scalp into quadrants and being sure that only ¼ of your dropper goes on each quadrant. It is best to touch the dropper directly to your scalp and squeeze out many tiny partial drops over each quadrant. Ideally, you want drops so small that they don’t run. Then gently spread it around your scalp with your fingers to get full coverage. Don’t rub too much as we don’t want to sop it all up into your hair. We want it to soak into your scalp. Remember, because of the potency it doesn’t take much, and your scalp doesn’t need to feel wet, it just needs to be covered. Also, the coverage doesn’t have to be perfect each day as our treatment builds up over time.
Due to the potency and dosage of NewHairFormula, combined with our powerful penetration enhancer, a little bit really does go a long way! Learning to apply NewHairFormula carefully and sparingly will help you maximize your hair growth and minimize possible skin irritation.